Wines of Alentejo raise the level of sustainability with WASP 2.0

In an unprecedented partnership, ANP|WWF, the University of Évora and CVRA come together to make the region even more sustainable

The Alentejo Regional Wine Commission (CVRA) presents PSVA2.0, the new version of the Alentejo Wine Sustainability Program, which, improved in partnership with the NGO ANP|WWF and the University of Évora, intends to continue to place the wine region at the forefront of sustainable practices.

The objective is that producers adhering to the PSVA – which already represent 58% of the total vineyard area in Alentejo – can, through more responsible use of the resources necessary for growing vineyards, make production more resilient and adapted to natural conditions, in Basically, “maintain Alentejo as we know it and, regardless of the passing of the years, ensure that the wines have the same quality, without compromising the environment and responding in the best possible way to the growing pressures arising from climate change”, says João Barroso, sustainability program coordinator.

This review of the PSVA was carried out with a close eye on aspects such as biodiversity, pesticides, climate and water and the new version now includes two new chapters, making a total of 20.

A section dedicated to “Resilience and adaptation” was added. to climate change”, in which you can find variables such as adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change, or the assessment of the need for water or the carbon footprint; and a chapter on “Circular Economy” was included, which highlights issues related to materials and equipment or winemaking by-products and waste.

Although the 171 evaluation criteria were maintained, 74% were improved and 29 new items were included, highlighting variables such as the use of more resilient grape varieties and genetic diversity; the efficiency of production factors (such as water and electricity); promoting responsible wine consumption among consumers; gender pay equity; or, even, the contribution to the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

This evolution is even more significant when, three years after the launch of the country's first sustainable production seal, there are now 20 producers bearing the certification, thus giving consumers the guarantee that those wines comply with good energy-saving practices. resources, promote biodiversity, use renewable energy, protect soil or encourage initiatives that involve the entire community in adopting sustainable behaviors. With the partnership with ANPlWWF, Vinhos do Alentejo increased the level of demand and credibility that has guided the PSVA since the beginning and will give certified producers a transition period of two years to adapt to the improvements now being implemented.

For ANPlWWF Food Coordinator, Tiago Luís, “this is a unique project and shows that producers are committed to improving their environmental practices, benefiting their region and its people, but also the country itself, standing out from the rest. other initiatives and achieving a very important differentiating factor for the international recognition of Alentejo Wines.” It is worth remembering that the protocol with ANP|WWF was signed in October 2022 and is considered by the parties as “unprecedented due to such fruitful cooperation between an NGO and the agricultural sector”.

Vinhos do Alentejo 2024